What You Should Know About Electrostatic Disinfection


One notable outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially as commerce reopens, is that businesses and organizations of all sizes and sectors now have a heightened focus on cleaning and disinfecting their facilities to prevent transmission of disease and viruses.

To meet the increased demand for higher standards of cleaning and disinfection, many commercial cleaning services are using new products and equipment, including misters, foggers and electrostatic sprayers, to apply disinfectants.

Cleaning and disinfecting together are the best way to keep an environment safe from the spread of disease. Disinfecting an unclean surface by itself isn’t effective because although it will destroy bacteria on the surface layer, other bacteria and viruses can remain under the top layer of dirt or grime. Following recommended disinfection procedures and protocols will help achieve the best results, and hiring a professional commercial cleaning company can help ensure the proper methods and products are used.

An integral part of many cleaning and disinfecting programs now being implemented in workplaces and public-use environments, is the increased use of fogging and electrostatic technologies to apply disinfectant solutions. These application systems vary in type and quality, but here are some general guidelines:

Spraying and wiping is the traditional method of applying liquid disinfectants, but it is labour intensive, especially for large areas, and the results provide the least consistent coverage.

Misters and fogging systems deliver very small droplets of disinfectant liquid solution that deposit on surfaces based on the direction of spray and the effect of gravity. These systems can result in uneven coverage and ‘pooling’ of disinfectant liquid.

Electrostatic disinfection sprayers deliver electrically charged droplets of disinfectant that bond to surfaces, including undersides and crevices, regardless of the direction of spray, and provides complete wrap-around disinfection coverage.

What are The Benefits of Electrostatic Disinfection Over Other Methods?
Electrostatic spray technology is the most efficient system for disinfecting surfaces in business and organizations of any scale, but it is especially valuable for use in large area environments. Some of the benefits of this method over others include:

  • Less time and effort for greater disinfectant coverage of large areas
  • Thorough disinfecting of places that are hard to reach (or impossible) with other methods
  • Increased control over where the spray lands means less waste
  • The even layer of spray disinfects and dries without needing to be wiped off, which means your commercial cleaning team can disinfect surfaces without ever having to touch them


Is Electrostatic Cleaning A Good Option For Your Business?

Electrostatic disinfection is ideal for office cleaning or in any work or public-use environment with high-traffic areas, high-touch equipment, and large surface areas that require disinfection.

Any place of work or business where having a sanitary environment is important can benefit from disinfecting with an electrostatic sprayer. And in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, this includes almost all sectors.

Some environments that can particularly benefit from disinfecting with an electrostatic spray system include:

  • Office complexes
  • Distribution Centres
  • Industrial Facilities
  • Schools
  • Doctors’ offices, hospitals, outpatient centers, and other medical facilities
  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • Commercial kitchens and restaurants
  • Transit such as buses, subway cars and airplanes



1 https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/ipac/2020/07/faq-covid-19-electrostatic-sprayers.pdf?la=en